Thursday, September 27, 2007

Merging Chickens: Gandalf

Gandalf was taken up to Whidbey last Wednesday. S/he was placed in the coop (in the cage) with the other two chickens at night. The next day the girls woke to see the cage and Gandalf. Apparently there was some chattering. They remained this way for about a day.

Free range integrations were attempted on Friday, without much luck. Chi Chi and Mo were not happy with Gandalf. Gandalf was then put in the chicken tractor away from them. On Saturday, Gandalf free ranged closer to the house away from the others. S/he enjoyed time with humans.

On Sunday, Pat and I brought up Lisa's other two, the Easter Egg chicken (Puffy Cheeks), and the Sicilian Buttercup (Sophia). They had no problems reaquainting themselves with Gandalf, and they were all able to free range together.

Chi Chi and Mo were also free ranging and wouldn't cross the street where the other three were. Jay made a coop divider so they would all be close together but yet wouldn't be able to attack each other. This worked well, and the report from Lisa on Tuesday is that they are all free ranging, each hanging out in different areas of the pen or tractor section, with only the occassional pecking match.

Merging Chickens: Allie

Allie was integrated with older hens. Reports are that the initial integration didn't go too well. She was introduced during the day with the new owners in the pen with all of the chickens. Apparently it was like watching your kid get bullied at school. They separated her via a fence, but they could all still see each other.
It took a few days but now she is integrated. I'm hoping we'll get pictures soon. Oh and they did hear her "singing" one morning...time will tell.

Friday, September 14, 2007

2 out of 7 are Roosters?

So again it seems we may have another rooster. This time it's Lisa's Dark Brahma, the one we call Gandolf. S/he looks strikingly like the male in the Privett Hatchery chicken poster. What is interesting is that they are two different breeds that ended up being a rooster. I knew there was a potential risk of getting a rooster, but kept thinking, "it won't happen to me", let alone twice!

Gandolf, Dark Brahma
Gandolf next to a Sicilian Buttercup

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Goodbye to Alli

So we're still not sure if Alli is an Al. Regardless she's a loud talker in the wee hours of the morning and must go elsewhere. Thankfully there are two options for Alli, either a place on Whidbey or a place up near Bothell, either will accommodate her early morning demands for attention. It's a bummer because she is the sweetest chicken. Buff Orpington's are known to be friendly and she is proving that to be true.

Alli next to our Buff Brahma, Mary

Sicilian Buttercup

This is Lisa's Easter Egg chicken, we call her Puffy Cheeks.