Pat and I were gone for about 3 weeks; a week and half at Burningman and a week in the Chicago area. Our friend Lisa was gracious enough to take the dog and 7 chickens. She came at night and grabbed the girls from the coop and placed all 7 in a long cardboard box. Apparently on the way to the island one got out in the car! Thankfully she had a bucket in the car and it perched itself on the edge of the bucket, with its booty facing in the bucket! Perfect!
We returned from Chicago and Lisa had returned 4 of the girls as was the plan. Of course we still have Mary the surrogate mama, and Lisa randomly selected three of the girls. Now, remember back at the beginning when we first got the chicks, there was one Brahma that was a little off...not sure about accepting Mary as the mom? Well, there has been one Brahma that has been, not totally picked on, but a little bit picked on and sometimes we'd find her on top of the coop rather than in the coop. Well, we have that one. And looking a bit closer she is taller than Mary and the others, and her tail feathers aren't developing like the others, they are "droopy" like. Hmm, do we have a male?! Only time will tell!
And ya, I still haven't named them yet. I was going to name them after cheese, but I'm not feelin' it anymore. I definitely want to name the Americana, "The Russian", because of her puffy black beard. Totally reminds me of those Russian dancers. Ya, I'm weird!
Also, Mary has decided that she will lay her eggs on top of the coop, under and old mat that has been arched to make a great chicken hideaway! She's weird!