The girls are just 3 days shy of being 2 months old. They are turning into real chickens now! Our Buff Orpington, Alli, is one of the two biggest, the other being Lisa's Dark Brahma (we call her Gandolf, but don't tell Lisa!). Alli was a big chick to begin with and she did mature faster than the others. Now she seems to be developing a bright red crown and biggish wattles. A couple of times now, we have heard some interesting noises coming from the chicken tractor at various hours of the AM. We are starting to our Alli really an Al? What are we going to do if she is a he?! We cannot have a rooster in the city! How long does it take to determine the true sex of a chicken!? I have been surfing the web trying to get good pics of male vs. female Buffs and well, it makes me think she's a he. Maybe it's just b/c the other girls are not developing their crowns or wattles as quickly. Theirs are mostly little bump like crowns and barely any wattle.
Hmmm...the dilema.
Hmmm...the dilema.
Alli or Al?
Lisa's Auracanas, and Alli or Al
Lisa's Auracanas, love the bushy cheeks...maybe we'll keep her!
Lisa's Brahma
They have the whole yard to free-range and they choose to huddle in the smallest cage in the yard! That's chickens for ya! That's our Brahma, Mary, nex to Lisa's.
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