Tuesday, May 27, 2008

RIP Lucy and Molly

I don't remember which months they were exactly, but we lost two of our chickens. First we lost Lucy (the americana), probably around Feb., to a stray dog running around the neighborhood. And then a few months later, April-ish, we lost Molly (sicilian buttercup) to a car.

It's one of those things, we knew there was potential to lose our free range chickens. We let them roam free in the neighborhood. The neighbors loved seeing them out and about, but at the same time we all worried. And of course the inevitable happened.

I told Pat that was it and that I didn't want anymore chickens until he builds a proper coop and we get the side yard secured.



Molly and Mary became close pals after we lost Lucy, they were so cute together.

And when we lost Molly, Mary started brooding...

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